Saturday, March 14, 2009


Homework--every elementary school student's worst nightmare! Homework in my opinion, can be a great reinforcement tool to help the students refresh and better understand the material that was taught in the classroom. However, when your student leaves your classroom, you can never truely know whether it was your student or his or her parent who has done the work. For this simple reason I believe that homework should be given as a tool for the student, and as a way to see who has done or not done the homework you've assigned, on the other hand, I don't believe that homework should be used as an assessment tool because you don't see your student do the homework in front of you so you can't be sure it was s/he who did it.

As a teacher I would definitely reinforce giving homework to my students because I do feel that it is a necessity to teaching students. Even as a college student I receive homework assignments daily from my professors, but as an elementary and high school student I never saw the point of homework until I wanted to be a teacher. Now, with most of my education classes behind me I see the importance of homework in the classroom and the effect it has on students. Homework, if both teacher and student do it right, should always have a positive effect on a students academic performance. A teacher should never assign something for homework just to give homework. Homework should be given to reinforce what was learned already in the classroom.

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